Your Greatest Life Program

Create The Life You Deserve AND Desire!




"I've been feeling stuck in the same patterns for years. I know there's more out there for me, but I can't seem to break free and move forward."

"I desperately want to change my life, but I don't know where to start. I feel overwhelmed by all the things I need to fix and improve."

"I know my mindset is holding me back, but I don't know how to shift it. I'm tired of the negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that keep me from reaching my potential."

"I feel like I'm drifting through life without a clear purpose. I want to find direction and meaning, but I'm not sure how to discover what really drives me."

"Self-doubt has been my constant companion. I want to build confidence and believe in myself, but it feels like an uphill battle."

"I’ve set so many goals, but I always lose momentum and give up. I need someone to hold me accountable and keep me motivated to stay on track."

"Life keeps throwing challenges my way, and I struggle to bounce back. I want to develop resilience and learn how to handle setbacks without losing hope."

"I know I have so much potential, but I feel like I'm not living up to it. I want to grow, evolve, and become the person I know I can be."

"The past has left its mark on me, and I’m finding it hard to move forward. I need help to heal and create a future that isn't defined by what I've been through."

"I feel alone in my struggles. I need a supportive community and a coach who understands where I'm coming from and can guide me through this journey."

If you can relate, you’re not alone.

This is what people have secretly been telling me in private texts, calls, emails, and DMs.

Are you struggling to achieve your full potential?
Feeling stuck and overwhelmed?

Understanding and overcoming your personal barriers can be challenging. Without the right guidance, it's easy to feel lost and discouraged.

Community of supportive individuals

You don’t have to wing-it alone in life...

Get expert guidance & support in the LIVE Your Greatest Life Program.

Join an intimate group of like-minded individuals and experience personal growth with direct guidance.

This exclusive program combines all the content from the asynchronous Your Greatest Life program with 12 weeks of live coaching sessions led by Craig T. Smith.

Receive the support you need and connect with an intimate, motivated group on the the journey to live their greatest life.

Here's what you'll find inside...



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12+ Modules (with over 45 lessons!) filled with proven methods that have positively impacted the lives of hundreds of our clients.

icon book with a pencil wirting in it

91 Page workbook, printable or editable directly on your device.

camera recorder with play button

Over 450 minutes of video content featuring Craig T. Smith personally guiding you through every step of the program.

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Access to our exclusive Your Greatest Life community where you will be able to connect with other members who have done the course and share your experience as you navigate the journey of creating your greatest life.

hand holding a cellphone with a checkmark inside the screen

Convenient mobile access, allowing you to take the course with you on the go.

icon bonus two stars

A bonus section dedicated to mastering affirmations, highlighting common mistakes and how to effectively utilize this powerful technique.

I'm Ready!


Guess What?! I will be giving access to MY ENTIRE course library to the people who join the LIVE Your Greatest Life Program! This means you will ALSO receive: 

✅ The Values course 

✅ The Self-Love Blueprint Course 

✅ The Communication Course 

âś… The Emotional Regulation Course

valued at over $600!!



"I didn't know exactly what to expect when I signed up for this program. I knew Craig and that I loved his energy and outlook on life. So I took a chance. Turns out, "Your Greatest Life" truly is a life-changing program. If you put in the work and show up for yourself, you will absolutely grow. I am a work in progress. I was worried this program would bring out anxiety, insecurities, and other negative emotions and not equip me with the tools I needed to cope with those feelings, but it did the opposite. I had a variety of tools, exercises and growth opportunities presented to me to help fight through those things. Craig walked beside us, encouraging us, teaching us to be our #1 supporter and giving us confidence to grow."

-Catie, Utah

What does it mean to live your greatest life? person writing  on a journal

âś“ Learn to identify and overcome the barriers obstructing your path to your greatest self.

âś“ Creating 'Your Greatest Life' is about identifying the stories, barriers, and lies getting in your way of living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

âś“ Acquire practical, lifelong tools through the insights and expertise of a Licensed Therapist and Coach with over a decade of experience.

âś“ Gain the ability to take action and achieve lasting results in your life.

âś“ Identify ways to win more in your life and be an action taker.

âś“ Learn to acknowledge and appreciate your wins, big and small.

âś“ Stay present in the moment and find gratitude for all that you have and all that you are.

âś“ Unlock the confident and powerful side of who you are.

Sign Me Up!

Here’s what you can expect ⤵️

Live Coaching Session on Tuesdays

Join Craig for a focused, one-hour live call every Tuesday.

Office Hours on Thursdays

Craig will be available for an hour-long chat during office hours, offering personalized support.

Educational Module on Fridays

Access a 20-40 minute presentation video, delivering key insights and tools.

Ongoing Community Access

Stay connected and get follow-up support through our community platform, where you can discuss anything you're working through in the program.

Participants receive consistent engagement and support at least three times a week—ensuring accountability and encouragement every step of the way!



Mindset 101

What is Mindset and how to move towards a place of Growth and Abundance

Mindset can either limit our potential or empower us to achieve greatness.



Life Sentences

Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained thoughts that hold us back from reaching our full potential.

Discover where your limiting beliefs come from and how to challenge and change them

"I AM"

Discover the power of these 2 words and how to begin speaking hope and belief into yourself

Identify your what's important to you and begin living a Value Driven Life


Winning/Losing Formulas

Your are the problem and THE SOLUTION. Learn about your winning formulas and how to use them for continued success in your life



And many more evidenced-based strategies, journal prompts, and daily exercises that have been shown to help individuals just like you get the needle moving in life and towards their goals

I’m ready to take the leap



"In the short eight weeks that the program lasted, I have changed so much as a person. It is truly unbelievable how much I have improved in such a short amount of time. Some of the areas in which I have made significant progress include shifting my perspective to look for opportunities and find the positive in situations, figuring out my core values and aligning my behaviors with them, identifying my negative beliefs and turning them into life sentences, taking action and doing things that make me uncomfortable in order to grow, and so much more. I could go on for days about all the ways in which this program has helped me to transform and become a better version of myself. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking to make positive changes in their life. The benefits and growth I have experienced have been immeasurable, and I am confident that others will have similar experiences. Don’t let fear hold you back- take the leap and see the amazing results for yourself!"

-Nicole, Pennsylvania


Join the Next Live Coaching Cohort!
Checkmark approved
Checkmark approved

Proven Format!

My previous two LIVE Your Greatest Life Programs were a wild success, just see the testimonials here!

The individuals in them proved that the format & content is exactly what people need to start living their greatest life!

"The second I heard that Craig was doing a group program, I knew I’d be signing up to be a part of it. I didn’t care how much it cost because I know the value of the knowledge Craig has and I was not going to miss out on an opportunity to be a recipient of that knowledge. And I was not disappointed. This group program was truly a life changer. I learned so much in Your Greatest Life! I learned how to prioritize my values and let them drive my decisions! I can also now step back and look at a hurdle, plan how I want to approach it, and jump over it with grace instead of stumbling right into it and falling on my face. But even if I do fall on my face, Craig taught me that it’s ok to fail. It’s even good to fail and that does not make me a failure. I’ll just get back up and keep trying. I learned what makes me happy (and what doesn’t) and how to obtain a sense of fulfillment in my life. I learned skills that I will take with me forever on how to manage situations, feelings, challenges and mindset. I no longer ask myself “why” but “what” and “how”. I’ve swapped out old thoughts with new, positive ones and I never forget to celebrate my wins!" 

-Lindsay, Texas

What's the secret of this program? 




That I teach you how to 

stop focusing on your problems and  instead start focusing on your MINDSET. 

Why Your Greatest Life Program? 

This program was born after Craig T. Smith recognized that what his clients needed was to STOP FOCUSING ON THEIR PROBLEMS AND INSTEAD START FOCUSING ON THEIR MINDSET. Drawing from over a decade of experience as a licensed therapist and coach, Craig not only personally experienced the effectiveness of the methods and strategies presented in this course but also witnessed how they transformed the lives of those he guided.

Initially launched as a live coaching program, Craig realized that its impact was limited by cost and time constraints. To ensure wider accessibility, he decided to make this transformative program available to individuals worldwide, enabling them to complete it at their own pace and at an affordable price.

What does it take to live Your Greatest Life?

Many of us want quick answers and immediate changes, but the things that are gained overnight can be lost overnight.

This is about putting in the work to upgrade your thinking (Mindset), and begin living up to your fullest potential. 

Deep down you know exactly what you are capable of. There are even moments you get a glimpse of all the potential you have inside.

If you are ready to do the work, because, although Craig will be guiding you every step of the way, he cannot do the work for you, only YOU can do the work!

Benefits of the Live Coaching Program

Direct Access to Craig T. Smith 

Benefit from Craig’s extensive experience and personalized guidance.

Real-Time Interaction

 Engage in meaningful conversations, receive immediate feedback, and gain insights from both the coach and your peers.

Accountability and Motivation

The live format helps keep you accountable, motivated, and on track to achieve your goals.

Enhanced Learning

The combination of live sessions and comprehensive resources ensures a deeper understanding and application of the program content.

By joining the live coaching program, you are investing in a transformative experience that combines the flexibility of self-paced learning with the personalized support and community of live coaching. This hybrid approach maximizes your potential for growth and ensures you are well-equipped to create and live Your Greatest Life.


Program Overview

Set Yourself Up For Success!

âś“How to Maximize the Benefits of This Program

âś“You are Part of Our Exclusive Greatest Life Community!

âś“Course Workbook & Worksheets

Welcome to Your Greatest Life


âś“Opening Activity

Module 1: Cultivating a Growth Mindset

âś“Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

âś“Outcomes and Behaviors DO NOT Determine Your Worth and Identity

âś“ASSESSMENT: Mindset

âś“Change is Possible

âś“Scarcity vs. Abundance

âś“ASSESSMENT: Scarcity Mindset vs. Abundance Mindset

âś“Abundance is All Around You

âś“Success is Nothing MoreThan a Few Simple Disciplines, Practiced Everyday

Module 2: Life Sentences

âś“Your Beliefs are Causing the Most Problems in Your Life

âś“Thoughts are Planted and Grow

âś“Everyone Has Seeds They Do Not Believe in That Have Taken Root

âś“You are The Solution!

âś“Rewrite the Sentences of Your Life

Module 3: Resentencing Your Life

âś“Proactive vs. Reactive

âś“Resentence Your Negatives to Positives

Module 4: Practicing Person of Perspective

âś“90/10 Rule of Life

âś“The Quality of Your Life is Determined by The QUALITY OF YOUR QUESTIONS

âś“The "Triple P" Approach

Module 5: Values Assessment

âś“Purpose Driven Life

âś“Life of Congruency

Module 6: Value Driven Life

âś“The Balloon Theory of Life

âś“Our Behaviors Must Agree and Be in Harmony With Our Values

Module 7: HOPE Model for Change


âś“The Power of Reset

Module 8: Winning & Losing Formulas


âś“Time to Create

Module 9: Science of a Gratitude Practice

âś“Effective Gratitude Practices

âś“Not All Gratitude Practices are Created Equal

âś“Benefits of Gratitude

âś“Shallow, Deep, and Forced Gratitude

âś“Creating Your Practice

âś“Gratitude Deep Dive

Module 10: Confidence Boosters

âś“Confidence Killers

âś“Begin Boosting Your Confidence

Module 11: Comeback Power

âś“Resiliency Skills

âś“I am Resilient!

Module 12: Turning Insight Into Action
Bonus: Affirmation Dissection

YOU have the POWER

and ability to create a life you deserve and desire. Creating 'Your Greatest Life' is about identifying the stories, barriers, and limiting beliefs stopping you from living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

More than that, it is a program that teaches you real and applicable tools you can use for the rest of your life.
I'm Ready!

Payment Plans


One Time Payment


Best Value!

2 Payments of


Total $2,250

3 payments of


Total 2,400


I'm Ready To Take Control!
Craig T. Smith


I’m Craig Smith, I am a powerful man of God, a patient, present, loving father and husband. I am a FAITH spreader, a LOVE giver, and a HOPE dealer. I strive to live every day attracting love, success, and abundance into my life and inspire as many people as I can to do the same.

I realize that is not the expected answer most people have when they ask the question "tell me about yourself". Most people describe themselves by what they do, or get paid to do. I am blessed enough to get paid to serve others as a Licensed Therapist and Coach. I have also created a very impactful guided journal, global podcast, and now this coaching platform. I am very grateful each time someone trusts me enough to be a support in their continued growth and healing journey.

For over a decade, I have helped my clients change their mindset and create the desired change in their lives. We all have programming in our subconscious that doesn’t serve us, but most don’t know how to uncover it or what to do with it when they do. I’m here to help with just that!

I am a father to 3 amazing sons that regularly remind me about my true purpose in this life. I have been married to wife for 19 years and have 2 wonderful dogs.